Being the Love God Is

Being the god love is

Being the Love God Is:

We have all had moments in our lives when we felt love as deeply as we ever could. Times when we looked into the eyes of our children, or were within the company of our pets, or within service to any other being, and knew nothing could stand in our way. A love that carried no weight or burden, had no limits, and was without any conditions. A love with such connection that there was no distance between us and whom we were loving. This is when we were being the best version of ourselves. This is when we were being the Love God Is.

Often we read or hear about God doing something that is loving. From the perspective of Ego, Spirit & You, God is deeper and more pervasive than that. The Love God Is–is the foundation for all of our loving experiences. Without it, we could not be loving within our thoughts, words, and deeds. As humans we can only choose to manifest the Love God Is, or not. A choice affected by the nature of our ego energy. The Love God Is is present in every being, animal, plant, or human. We can only choose to witness it and manifest it, as we did within those previously mentioned moments.

Recently, 60 Minutes did a story on four nurses who cared for the man who was being treated for and later died from Ebola. Each was a young adult, some with a spouse or children, one with a pregnant wife, all concerned with or fearful of the dark, unknown territory they were entering into, possibly placing their life at risk, and each volunteered for the service they were offering. They described the profuse vomiting and diarrhea they were charged with cleaning up and discarding. They also described the deep, loving regard with which they held for Mr. Duncan in his time of need and approaching death. A description in which they described the opportunity to care for Mr. Duncan as one of the most important of their lives. Of course it was. They were being the Love God Is.



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