Have You Met the Lesser Version of Yourself?

What an unpleasant and difficult question to ask ourselves. Partly due to its sensitive nature and partly due to the “distractions” of everyday life (work, family, bills, and so on) which keep us at a distance from answering this extremely important question. This is something we may get around to at a future time if we absolutely have to. Until then it remains filed away near the bottom of one’s “to do” list. Though ignored the answer to the question is having a significant impact upon your life. Even though you are a good, intelligent and well-meaning person which also weakens asking of the question. This answer is “weeding” its way into how you work and play with people, your closest relationships and ability to love yourself, achieve your potential and know your life’s purpose, grow your mind, experience happiness, and deal with the change, adversity, stressors, and conflict that life brings to your door. Ignoring this question often leads us to living a lesser version of ourselves and life. We settle for less than the great life we are meant to live. As Jesus said, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” We fail to choose ourselves when we fail to get to know all of ourselves.
Becoming a better person or the best version of ourselves is an indirect approach often intended to address the question which titles this blog. People often talk about being more open, honest, assertive, sensitive, friendly, responsible, trusting, trustworthy, considerate, mature, supportive, etc. Unfortunately, all too often this is like a New Year’s resolution where the intensions are good but a grasp of the challenges, issues, or influences connected to the resolution are ignored or lacking. Change—real, meaningful, permanent change—requires insight. Insight that allows us to see how, where, and why we are “getting it wrong” in any or many of the life areas mentioned earlier in order to get it right—becoming the best version of ourselves. This involves getting to know a person you don’t want to meet, but need to meet—the lesser version of yourself.
From the perspective of Ego, Spirit & You the search for the lesser version of yourself and healing involves getting to know your ego energy. Particularly, whether you are experiencing lower or higher ego power, flexibility, or vulnerability. These energies often have us living a lesser and for some the worst version of ourselves. To help things along, our book The Two Voices Within: Balancing the Energies of Ego and Spirit to Enhance Your Life identifies roles we can be living in but fail to recognize which are reflective of this energy in which we are being a lesser version of ourselves. This is complemented by our works Ego Therapy: A Method for Healing Your Whole Self and EgoSpiritualism: Awakening to Your Human and Divine Self in which a tremendous amount of light is cast upon ego so that you can heal it where needed and get on with being the best version of yourself and living the Great Life you were meant to live! Each book is available on the Shop page of our website by clicking here.
In peace and love,
Nick and Linda