A Different View of Ego

A Different View of Ego

Our view of ego differs significantly from what you may have encountered from other writers and experts on the topic, particularly Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dyer. These differences are important, as they provide a foundation upon which a healthier view of humanity rests, along with its potential to be healed where necessary, and the opportunity to experience a higher level of consciousness in which our humanity and Divinity are working in concert. This is the essence of EgoSpiritualism.

  • Ego has no awareness of itself and how it impacts your life, but you can develop this awareness.
  • Ego does not act with intention as it does not possess an intellectual quality.
  • Ego has no awareness of God or works to oppose God, but it can undermine your spiritual consciousness and relationship with God.
  • Ego does not require you to be free of it but to embrace your capacity to bring it to healthiness with the light of human and Divine Truth.
  • Ego can respond to the use of your mind and reality based thought that can be used in your transformation to ego consciousness; healthy, balanced ego energy; and deeper spiritual consciousness.
  • Ego energy can be healed by you with ego medicine that consists of reality based thinking and relevant ego awareness.
  • Ego is part of your wondrous, beautiful human nature that you can utilize to work with the challenges of your physical, human existence.
  • Ego does not dissolve when you become aware of it but can be managed and enhanced via your capacity for ego awareness.
  • Ego does not have to be your “enemy” but can be your friend in the service of God.
  • Ego can be healthy, sane and work with the sanity of your Divine Self.
  • Ego can serve as an instrument for bringing you into peace, joy and love.
  • Ego can be in the present and is not resigned to your “living” in the past or preoccupied with the future.

Ego energy which is healthy and balanced can help you to live in satisfaction and is not resigned to seeking more, being better than, always needing to be right, taking everything personally, engaging in selective perception and distorted interpretations, confusing opinions and viewpoints with facts, or needing to find enemies.

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