Tag Archives: God is Love
‘Fido’ and ‘Fluffy’—Opportunities to Be the Love, Life, and Energy—God Is
‘Fido’ and ‘Fluffy’—Opportunities to Be the Love, Life, and Energy—God Is
We are given so many opportunities to be the Love, Life, and Energy—God Is, within our life. Opportunities to be the unconditional, connective, unburdened, and unlimited love that is the essence of being the Love—God Is. Opportunities to recognize the presence of God in all life forms and to treat it with honor and respect, whatever form it takes, be it human, animal, plant, and others, that is the essence of being the Life—God Is. Opportunities to experience the healing and transformation that occurs when we connect to light and truth about God, ourselves, and all beings, which is the essence of being the Energy—God Is.
One of these, involves the opportunity to have a ‘Fido’ or ‘Fluffy’ or any other furry or not so furry friend to share our life with. These wonderful gifts serve us in so many ways. They give us a sense of comfort and companionship when licking our face, sitting on our lap, or climbing into our bed. They help us to laugh, distract us from our cares, or lighten our mood, when they play with us, others, or by themselves. They offer a sense of compassion when they come around us when sensing our distress or meeting our needs to feel protected. There are so many more experiences we can relate to in their service to us. A service that St. Francis of Assisi fully recognized in his communion with the animals and nature that surrounded him.
But, there is one more very important way they serve us and it is within the service we offer to them. They give us an opportunity to be the best version of ourselves. They give us an opportunity to experience the best version of life. They give us an opportunity to be in full contact with our spirituality and Divinity. It is within their presence and our service to them that we are given an opportunity to be the Love, Life, and Energy—God Is.
Remember, the love that surmounted any of the difficulties that caring for ‘Fido’ or ‘Fluffy’ asked of you within meeting their needs. Remember, the feeling of connection as they progressively earned a place in your heart and your family. Remember, when you were willing to do anything or go anywhere to help them when they weren’t well. They took us beyond the limitations of human love which is often conditional, often non-connective to some, often experienced as burdened, and often containing limits as to how much can be offered to those being loved.
Remember, when they taught you the presence of God in all of life and not just humans. Remember, when you came to honor, respect, and treat them and all life equally. Remember when you began to recognize that their purpose was beyond your own desires for entertainment when witnessing their confinement in cages and zoos that violate their instincts and the millions of years of evolution that shaped those instincts. They took us beyond the human limitations of respecting life according to some position on the species continuum and arbitrarily conferring status within the human species based on a person’s race, religion, gender orientation, or ethnicity.
Remember, how you grew as a person, as the Godness in your being, made contact with the Godness in their being. Two souls no longer separated by designation of being human and animal. A healing and transformation brought forth when being able to look beyond the human realm to see life in its greatest Divine truth—as One and in Unity. They took us beyond the darkness and ignorance of our earlier thoughts of separation from them to the brilliant light of truth connecting us to all beings.
I am so thankful to all of the animal members of our family that graced me with their presence and service over the years. And in giving me the opportunity to learn of the Love, Life, and Energy—God Is, within myself and my service to them. To Soot, Zeke, Bailey, Spanky, Pepper, Elvis, Ginny, Cotton, Caspar, Zack, Shiloh, Emma, Patrick, Diego, Mila, Bradley, Daisy, Madison, Madeline, and Regis, you all remain forever in my heart for what you gave to me and in helping me to experience the best of what life and I have to offer, within my service to you.
In peace and love,
Love Our Neighbor—There is No Choice!
Love Our Neighbor—There is No Choice!
One of the most important messages we receive as children and throughout our lifetime is to love our neighbor. This message has been sent throughout the world for thousands of years. It is a central tenet of every religion or belief system seeking to promote connection to each other and God. A foundation for human and spiritual wellness and a game plan for the best life has to offer. This is a particularly important message in a world where technology and telecommunications has brought us into a more immediate and intimate level of contact with our neighbors, near and far, in ways that did not exist only a generation ago. Distance, geography, and primitive technology no longer stand in the way of seeing our neighbor or they us—for better or worse. Yet, despite its simplicity, familiarity, and significance, it is a message that is often not fully embraced at all times, in all places, and with all people. This message often gets diluted, lost, or forgotten when we encounter the differences that exist between we and our neighbors. Then loving our neighbor starts to become a choice for many, if it isn’t one we are already making
The weakening, meaninglessness, and absence of the message begins with the notion that loving our neighbor is a choice. It is a choice we may or may not realize we are making—but many are often making it. This choice is being made when we start to look negatively upon neighbors who differ from us in race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious affiliation, income level, intellectual ability, physical ability, or emotional stability. Placing conditions or requirements on which neighbors we will love or how much is a violation of the simple, brilliant, and beautiful message to love our neighbor—all of them and at all times! When we fail to do so, we don’t understand the message at all and believing we do is only an illusion. Also, loving our neighbor isn’t something we can only think. It’s not just a good and wholesome idea. We must live it for the message to be real and not just an illusion in which we are only fooling ourselves.
Some may think that loving our neighbor is a choice and even resent the suggestion that there can be no choice. It only becomes a choice when we are losing contact with our Divinity and falling deeply into our humanity. A humanity which often embraces the notion that we are not our brother’s and sister’s keepers and do not need to serve them in their time of need. A humanity which allows us to stop loving our neighbor based on any of the differences they may have from our likeness. A humanity that allows fear and anger, rather than love, to guide one’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior toward our neighbor, particularly when they are being a lesser version of themselves.
Loving our neighbor becomes a choice when ego illusions of separation, inequality, and unworthiness become the filters through which we view our neighbors and loving them becomes more conditional. Loving our neighbor becomes attached to prerequisites involving the right beliefs and values, the right demographics, or the right physical, mental, or emotional characteristics. The notion of loving our neighbor is lost and the message has been rendered meaningless when choice has become a part of it. The Love—God Is, which exists within our Divinity is connective, unconditional, unburdened, and unlimited. It involves a Divine standard rather than a human one to be the source of one’s guidance. It does not allow for a choice where none can exist to be the essence of this love. Only an imbalanced ego in which power, flexibility, or vulnerability issues are impacting on our human energy and humanity can bring this about—making love a choice.
The good news is we can become more connected to our Divinity, if need be. When we awaken to the illusion of separation operating in our life and realize we are truly connected to all others the wall of separation can come down. When we awaken to the illusion of inequality operating in our life and realize we can only be equal and that any differences are not the making of deficiency or inequality, this wall can come down. When we awaken to the illusion of unworthiness operating in our life and realize that we and others can only be worthy because God dwells within each of us, this wall can come down. The removal of each of these illusions will lead to the removal of the notion that loving our neighbor is a choice. With the true meaning of the message “love our neighbor” being fully known and lived.
Again, the Love—God Is, is connective, unconditional, unburdened, and unlimited. When we sign on to loving our neighbor that is the love we are being. That is the love in which there can be no choice. That is the love in which we would want no choice. It is the love in which ego illusions involving separation, inequality, and unworthiness, attached to ourselves, others, or God can’t and don’t exist. Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” To the degree that loving our neighbor is a choice, we must seek to be that change.
Love Our Neighbor—There is No Choice!
In peace and love,
Nick and Linda
What is EgoSpiritualism?
What is EgoSpiritualism?: Several years ago we began to search for a word that captures the essence of a consciousness in which we are living the best of our humanity in synergy with our Divinity. A word capturing the best of the two profound energies at work in our being—Ego and Spirit. A word which describes entry into the Great life we are meant to live. EgoSpiritualism is the word that puts each of the energies at the core of our being on equal footing. It recognizes that transformation to the best version of ourselves requires a human and spiritual awakening—not just the latter. This is significantly different from traditional messages over the past 3,000 years which have only emphasized spiritual awakening. These messages are outdated and haven’t promoted broader evolution toward personal and world peace. We are still very much in the same place as when Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad spoke their brilliant words on consciousness. We remain very much asleep—egoically.
So what does one experience within EgoSpiritualism as you are living it?
- Being at peace with yourself, the people in your life, and the world at large.
- Being motivated by love rather than fear, anger, or guilt in your life’s work.
- Being free of inappropriate expectations of yourself, from others, and of others.
- Being respectful of your Body, Mind & Spirit within choices of what you bring into them.
- Being able to like and love yourself as you are while working with any of your weaknesses.
- Being free of false wants while recognizing true needs allowing you to experience genuine happiness.
- Being able to fully embrace your potential while recognizing the service you are here to provide.
- Being emotionally connected to others rather than emotionally attached or detached.
- Being able to live fully in the present rather than being chained to the past or preoccupied with the future.
- Recognizing the Love God Is—which is connective, unconditional, unlimited, and beyond burden within yourself and all beings.
- Recognizing the Life God Is—within all beings which makes their existence possible.
- Recognizing the Energy God Is—within the transformative light and truth which exists within you.
- Knowing the Gift of Life and the abundance which has been made available to you.
- Knowing the Gift of Creating Life and the opportunity you have to create the life in which you are living.
- Knowing the Gift of Eternal Life which allows you as much time and as many opportunities you need to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Knowing the Gift of God Within so you can never truly walk alone as you make your way along your life’s path toward the Kingdom of Heaven.
So how does one enter into EgoSpiritualism?
Heal your ego energy with ego medicine which brings into balance your ego power, flexibility, and vulnerability, where needed. Ego medicine which involves: 1) Understanding what ego is and isn’t, 2) Tuning into your specific ego energy, and 3) Using ego-related reality based thinking. It is within the brilliance of human and Divine Truth that the door will fully open and you will transform into what you were meant to be, which has always awaited you.
In peace and love,
Nick and Linda