Tag Archives: spirit’s voice
The “Right” Energy
The “Right” Energy:
During the past six months the word energy has made its appearance in the political rhetoric in regards to presidential candidates. And rightfully so, since the kind of energy at work has an impact on whether or not things get done. In this political season there has been the presumption that high energy is good and low energy is bad. This presumption naively concludes that it is the quantity of the energy that matters, while bypassing the quality of the energy fueling the prospective leader’s efforts.
From the perspective of Ego, Spirit & You, more energy is not good if it is of poor quality. Things may get done but at what hidden or not-so-hidden cost? The right energy is a mixture of balanced power, flexibility, and vulnerability in one’s human energy—our ego energy. Our leaders must be comfortable with power, but not so consumed by it that they want to control everyone and everything. Our leaders must be flexible enough to learn new things from others applicable to the present circumstances and not chained to the past to the degree they are enslaved by it. Our leaders must be vulnerable enough to recognize their imperfections so they can be guided by their strengths and weaknesses in their efforts to work with others and set forth policy.
It is from this energy that our country can move forward in a progressively diverse and complex world. The right energy can be found in a person of any gender, race, culture, religious, or political affiliation. We just have to look for it within the patterns of thoughts, words, and deeds within our prospective leaders. It cannot be found in simply hearing what we want to hear or seeing what we want to see, that makes us feel good or serves to release our anger and frustration.
Finding the right person with the right energy includes being the right energy within ourselves. Failing to be the right energy, places us at risk of doing the unthinkable—electing a dictator, someone with the wrong energy. You may think this is ridiculous in a country such as America built upon freedom. However, consider the following excerpt from our book The Two Voices Within, particularly the words of Ego being spoken within someone living the role of Dictator.
In peace and love,
Nick and Linda
The Dictator: The Dictator believes that he has the right to control how others must think, feel, and behave. He knows himself as greater than others by virtue of his intellect, talent, or money. He has a sense of superiority that entitles him to exert unquestioned influence on others. He becomes extremely angered by those who may question him or who are seen as seeking to reduce his power. This often leads him to strive to remove this challenge with responses that are often abusive. He is often blind to this abuse due to the power that consumes him.
Ego’s Voice: I am the source of your intense need to dominate the people who surround you in your life. You are led to believe that your way is the right way and must prevail; therefore, you have no need to listen to or communicate to others. That would only involve getting poor ideas and choices, which would weaken you. You do not need to feel compassion for the mistakes or weaknesses of others. Their pain is the cost for failing to do things the way you know they should be done. Your compassion takes the form of leading them to a better understanding of how to do things. Domination is your oxygen, the means to your safety and survival and you must have it.
You must get people to do things and think the way you do by any means possible. These people can be your children, partner, friends, employees, or acquaintances. The means by which you persuade them can include intimidation, coercion, manipulation, exploitation, or abuse. You must think of them as being weaker and incapable of leading themselves. They must be led, and you must do the leading. Your greater abilities were meant to do this leading. Anyone else’s leadership or guidance must be challenged or defeated. If you or others followed them, it would represent weakness and a threat to your survival.
You are entitled to feel angry when others fail or refuse to do your will. You are also entitled to use this anger as a force to alter their will, when and where necessary. The consequences they receive are the price they must pay for violating your will—a will that knows what is good and right for everyone. You are also entitled to destroy those who would stand in your way. They intend to weaken you and threaten your survival. You must meet their force with overwhelming force to eliminate their threat to you.
People are not entitled to be angry with you and any of their anger toward you is misplaced. They fail to understand that you are only attempting to help them with your knowledge, understanding, and guidance. They should be loving you instead, as what you offer them is intended to help make them stronger rather than remaining in their weakness. You are being generous to them, as you are not only working to ensure your survival, but theirs as well.
Spirit’s Voice: The excessive power within your humanity has greatly distanced you from your Divinity. It is within your power that illusions of separation, inequality, and unworthiness have been fashioned with which to know your neighbor. These illusions have also led you to know yourself as all-powerful and separated from God. The Love, Life, and Energy God Is within all beings is unknown to you. Your Divinity can be known with the awareness that God Is Love and that you have the Gift of God Within your being.
You do not know the Love that truly exists in your being. It has been replaced by thoughts, words, and deeds filled with anger and hatred that you are using to dominate others. All of these are reflections of the suffering that you do not realize you are living. Each creating greater distance from the Love God Is within your being. You are also visiting this suffering upon others in your efforts to dominate them. This domination is intended to serve your need for power while making your neighbor separated, less equal, and unworthy of you. As your earthly power grows, so does your suffering and the distance from God within you and within your neighbor.
You exist as if you were alone and isolated in your dealings with people. You are also unable to recognize the presence of God within others. This ignorance has made people dangerous and threatening to you, and you feel you must resist this danger and threat with your power and control. You don’t really know other people at all, which is a reflection of your suffering. You cannot truly love them or be loved by them, because you believe this would threaten your survival, another reflection of your suffering.
God’s absence in your awareness has led you to the illusion of being all-powerful, superior to others, and not in need of God in your life. Great human power has led you to have no limits or boundaries in your dealings with people. Everything is at your disposal, you believe—even those thoughts, words, or deeds that are destructive and harmful to others, and ultimately, to yourself. This is a reflection of your suffering. Your inability to know the equality of all human beings, built upon your notion of supremacy, has made you callous and insensitive to them, another reflection of your suffering. Your lack of need for God has blinded you to who you truly are and led you to walk a lonely path filled with anger, hatred, and destruction, all further reflections of your suffering.
[DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_PLUS]Religious Extremism and Low Ego Flexibility
Religious Extremism and Low Ego Flexibility:
What is at the root of the intolerance and violence that humans so often display toward one another? An imbalanced ego! Low ego flexibility energy is one of the key issues that can lead people to treat one another with hatred rather than love. This energy and the destructive thoughts it promotes can be at work for people of any religious path, be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any other faith. Failing to recognize these ego-induced thoughts, as well as the voice of Spirit, sets the stage for this intolerance and violence. Each creates greater distance from the God within one’s being, which is exactly the path that leads a person to become a religious extremist. Religion often gets blamed for the terrible things that people may do to each other. But it isn’t religion’s fault at all. The blame lies at the feet of low ego flexibility energy. To heal, religious extremists need to hear the voices of Ego and Spirit so they can truly know their humanity and Divinity.
To delve further into this topic, we’d like to share with you an excerpt from our latest book, The Two Voices Within: Balancing the Energies of Ego and Spirit to Enhance Your Life. Its purpose is to recognize and illuminate ego induced thoughts for an individual whose ego energy is consumed with low ego flexibility.
In peace and love,
Nick & Linda
The Religious Extremist: The Religious Extremist has a dogmatic approach to his religious belief system, viewing it as speaking the absolute truth about matters pertaining to faith and God. He often views those with different religious views as being removed from knowing or honoring God. The roles, rules, rituals, and customs pertaining to his religion are to be followed literally and rigidly. There is no room for alternative interpretations or modifications, which would dishonor him and violate his tradition.
Ego’s Voice: You are to know that your way to know God is the only way. It is the way all others must come to know and honor God. Their way can only lead them astray and away from God. You must not listen to non-believers, as this can only lead you astray and endanger you. You must keep all that has been within the tradition and resist all that is new or different, as anything new can only lead you astray, weaken you, and endanger you. Beware of those within your midst who would alter the tradition. They are not true believers. The teachings and the tradition are your oxygen, and you must have them in order to be safe and to survive.
You must treat others who do not believe as you do with suspicion and scorn. They are the godless. Treating these non-believers this way, and harboring anger and hatred for them, will keep you safe. Let anger be present in your thoughts, words, and deeds. This will keep you safe. If necessary, you must destroy those who would challenge your truth about God. Doing so will honor your truth and God.
Those who do not share your truth must be known as separated and unworthy of God. You must know them as unequal to you because of their weaker beliefs. You must know the difference in their beliefs as disorder and chaos that threatens both you and them. This will end when they believe as you do. You must compel them to believe like you in order to be safe and saved. Those who do not listen will be damned.
Spirit’s Voice: All ways to knowing the Love, Life, and Energy God Is are welcome. There are no right earthly ways to be the Love, Life, and Energy God Is. These Divine Truths have no earthly boundaries formed in the minds of human beings. The Kingdom of Heaven has no earthly boundaries or doors from which to enter. No one can claim to have the most complete knowledge of God, as God Is within all beings. One can only truly know God from being the Love, Life, and Energy God Is. All are One within the Divine Realm.
One cannot be made worthy or unworthy of the Kingdom of Heaven by earthly beliefs, for one is born worthy. They must only choose to awaken to their worthiness. God cannot be truly distanced from oneself or from others by earthly illusions of separation rooted in beliefs, as God is present always in all believers and non-believers. Each has the Love, Life, and Energy God Is within their being. They must only awaken to these Truths. The Kingdom of Heaven does not follow earthly notions of order and control, which only place limits on your ability to know God and your Divine Gifts. These limits weaken your ability to embody the Love, Life, and Energy God Is.
All earthly ways of knowing God—past, present, or future—are welcome. Within the Divine Realm, you cannot be enemies with those who do not believe as you do. This is only an earthly belief you have created. There is no place for enemies in your heart when you are being the Love, Life, and Energy God Is. Anger, fear, and guilt have no place in doing the work of God. No one can be compelled to enter the Kingdom of Heaven by another’s beliefs. They can only enter in the time and place of their choosing. They can only walk their own path, and no one else’s.