The Beauty of Change

The beauty of change

The Beauty of Change:

As I look out my window at the changing of the seasons, I feel such peace and gratitude for the beauty Mother Nature displays for us, even if just for a brief time.  We are moving through a season of change, leaving the warm temperatures behind for awhile, and preparing to weather what winter has in store for us.  Change is apparent, and we are a part of the changing seasons.

I know that life is about change, it must be, for if we stayed the same, we could never grow or evolve as we feel and know we must.  We as humans have this awareness within us to want more, a desire to be more than we are. This is partly necessary as it spurs us onward to newer and greater ideas, inventions, and many other things that make this a wonderful world.  Without change life would become very stagnant.  We all have changed in many ways throughout our life, and life has changed around us.  How we deal with change can speak a lot about ourselves as well.  The world is going through some challenging transitions, and we are a part of these changes and transitions.  It can be scary at times, especially if we are listening to the media. But we must remember that as we grow and live in a changing world, it is important to know that one thing will never change.  Our Divinity will never change.  Each one of us always has been and always will be.  To understand what this truly means will bring for you a peace that allows acceptance and compassion to fill you, instead of fear or anxiety.  You are part of the whole, one with our Earth Mother and Divine Father.

We are many and we are one, and we will continue to change and transition with each passing season, but we will always and forever be a Divine Child of God.



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